Well, we made it back to New Mexico. We spent the week of the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta in Northern New Mexico at Heron Lake State Park. We needed to wait for the crowds and our spot at Stagecoach Stop RV Park to be available for us.

HOWEVER….I didn’t plan to have 7 degree freeeezing weather at night. The guy in the trailer next to us had a heated hose and left his water on last night. B-u-t, he didn’t figure on the fact that the water hydrant from the park might freeze. IT DID! and it broke the faucet connection at the top. Now he had to confess to the park maintenance guy that he needs it replaced.

Here’s the kicker. They are from New York, where it freezes a lot. But they are a young family and just learning how to deal with weather in an RV trailer. They’ll get better. It is always a learning experience. Things are definitely different in an RV.

Stefanie (Linda’s daughter from Albuquerque) and our 4 year old granddaughter (Amelia) came up for the weekend. We were so looking forward to it. It was a great weekend of campfires, fishing and hiking the trails of the park.

We moved to Albuquerque, on Wednesday, October 16 for 6 weeks. Then we are off to the Texas Gulf Coast for the winter. We’ll be staying in Rockport, TX while we are there for the 4 months of winter. We’re trying to avoid cold weather again this year.

Wayne & Linda